RIGID. One Boy's Tragic Story.
I feel bad. Rigid is the forgotten MindWalk band. The black sheep of a broken family. It was not their fault. They were 4 clean-cut high school kids from New Jersey. They were good kids, but they graduated from H.S. and went their seperate ways. Their one contribution to the music community of the later 1990s, MindWalk's 2nd release, was doomed from the beginning. We used a printer who did not deliver the record covers for over 5 months. Threats were made. The recording went well enough, it was their first time in a real studio, I believe. They recorded the 3 songs that made up the "One boy's tragic story..." 7" in Newark, DE, near the campus of U. of D. It was the only "MW" recording session I witnessed. That was cool. If this record had come out last year or this year, Rigid could be famous. They played that progressive "emo" style of hardcore that all the kids seem to love these days. They played shows with The Get Up Kids, Damnation A.D., Promise Ring, Earth Crisis, among others now splattered all over MTV. I have no pictures of them to show the world. I will try and scan in their album cover and insert. Pick up a copy of this 7", it is only $2, you may just like it. For fans of: Quicksand, New Found Glory, P.O.D., Jimmy Eat World, AFI, Mineral, Texas is the Reason, Jade Tree and Revelation Records bands, and N*SYNC. *JUST IN***** I have located one 4th of Rigid. Ryan Smith, the lead guitarist is in a band called RAIN the SHINING. They operate out of Baltimore, MD. Check him, and them, out at www.raintheshining.com
*****JUST IN***** I have located 1/4 of Rigid! Ryan Smith, Rigid's lead guitarist is the frontman of a band called RAIN the SHINING. They operate out of Baltimore, MD. Check him, and them, out by clicking the link below.