"That sacred art of the Word, just because it springs forth from the sacred
depths of the Universal Being, appears to us as bound, more rigorously than
any other mode of expression, to the spiritual and physicals Movement of which
it is a generator and a guide. And preceisely for that reason it separated
itself from Music, a language that, since the dawn of Panhellenism, has been
primarily affective, and, thus separated, it has taken part in the incessant
transformations of religious, political and social thought, and dominated
them. Sacerdotal in prehistoric times, epic at the moment of Greek colonial
expansion, psychological and tragic at the decline of the dionysia, Christian,
theological and sentimental in the Middle Ages, neoclassical since the
beginning of the first spiritual and political revolution--namely the
Renaissance--finally romantic, i.e., both mystical and social before and after
`789, poetry has always followed, fully aware of its terrible
responsibilities, the mysterious movements of the great soul of the people (la
grande âme populaire).
Czeslaw Milosz, The Witness of Poetry