Sunday | 22 June 2003

The Bogle Boys!

From left:Rich, Bill, Zachary, Don, Nicholas, Jeff (in back), Mike (in front), and Greg.

Don Bogle addressing the crowd he assembled, with Ellie by his side.

The older Bogle's!

From left:Lonnie, Rich, Don, Pat, Bill

Zachary and Olivia Bogle, along side C.J. (their cousin)

Chris, Jack Dawson, and (the younger) Ken Dawson.

Amanda Bogle, Olivia Bogle, and the RedWhite&Blue.

A lot of dancing! Joe and Carol Carpino (Laura's parents) in the foreground, Don and Ellie with C.J. and Olivia, Bill and Marion, & Rich and Betty in the distance.

Click here for even more pictures and to say HI to Don and Ellie by signing their guestbook!

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